"Sometimes I think what you don't do has a just as big- if not bigger- impact as what you do do." This thought popped into my head the other day as I watched my sweet girl have one of her first melt downs. I don't mean to say that doing things doesn't have an impact, of course it does. But, sometimes the things people don't do, especially when it comes to their children, can greatly impact (positively & negatively) the children's lives. I'm sure we could brainstorm tons of examples. I'm not going to. I'm just going to say that when I see children struggling in their lives a lot of times it's caused by things the adults in their lives aren't doing. It's also true that when I see successful children there is a list of things their parents aren't doing also. I guess the implication for me reflecting on this, as a new parent, is to be aware of the things I'm
not doing. Then decide if by not doing these things I'm benefiting my children. Food for thought.
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